Saturday, September 10, 2011

Double Chocolate and Peanut Butter Muffins (with DIY pb chips)

School has both upsides and down sides. You get a cold within the first week of going back, just in time for the weekend, ruining your plans. But that means, you now have time to make you some good old comfort food!

Comfort food has to be one of the best things ever when you're ill.

For me, double chocolate muffins are it, you always know they'll taste good no matter what and you can always seem to find somewhere that sells them. The trouble is though, those muffins they sell are huge. It's not like I can't finish that muffin, no way, I can and will eat that muffin in 5 minutes. But I don't think that muffin is worth more than a meal's GDA. So what else can I do but make the muffins myself?

175 calories each? you could eat more than 3 of these instead of one of those ones from Starbucks! You don't even need an excuse, just make the muffins.
Mini Muffin :)

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins
makes 14 muffins

1 2/3 cup (7.75 oz) flour
1/2 cup (2 oz) cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup (8 oz) sugar
2 tbsp + 1 tsp butter, shortening or margarine
6 prunes, pureed with some hot water
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup (160 ml) low fat yogurt or milk
60g chocolate chunks and/or peanutbutter chips*

In a blender, combine first 7 ingredients, until the fat is fully blended into the dry ingredients. (This mix can be stored in the freezer until you want to make muffins).
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C, line a muffin pan. Add the pureed prunes, eggs, vanilla and yogurt/milk and blend until fully combined.
Divide batter equally into the lined muffin pan. Sprinkle chocolate chunks/peanut butter chips on top of each muffin. Poke some of them into the muffin and leave some on top. Bake for 15-20 minutes when the muffins will be fully risen and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

*I made my own peanut butter chips by mixing 1 tbsp of peanut butter with 2 tsp of powdered sugar and a little milk. I then piped this mixture onto some kitchen foil and froze them until firm.


  1. Beautiful little muffins that sound like they taste absolutely divine :)

  2. I will have to try these:) . I love your idea of using paper instead of commercial cupcake liners.

  3. Really? 175 calories? That's amazing. I saw this picture and thought, oh my gosh those looks so good, and then I saw the calorie part and I knew I had to look at the recipe. I'll bookmark this for sure! Do the prunes make it taste different? That was surprising for me to see in the ingredients.

  4. @ procrastobaker : thanks :) haha they sure do ;)
    @ petite darlings : I hope you do! thanks, I had to improvise or end up using christmas themed ones :/
    @brighteyedbaker: haha thank you! Nah, the cocoa masks the prune-y flavour, I use them like other people use applesauce, to replace the oil but keep moistness!

  5. These look so decadent - I can't believe they're so low in calories! Hope you're feeling better!

  6. Yum! I love muffins, but hate the calories that come with them! These look absolutely divine! :)

  7. @Reeni : they are really addictive :/ thank you, I am now!
    @Whiskful Thinkin' : same here, thanks :D

  8. When do you put the prunes in? Your description leaves them out. "The first 7 ingredients" don't include them. Are they in the first mixture or the second?

    1. oops! sorry about that, you add them with the eggs, vanilla and yogurt/milk. I'll go correct it now, thanks for letting me know!

  9. Hello:)
    I baked this muffins, they are delicious:) I baked with chocolate without peanut butter and I didn't have prunes so I used half apple
    great recipe:)

  10. Oh boyy. These are beautiful. The mini muffin is pretty much the cutest thing ever and I *love* your method for making peanut butter chips. Does it work well?

    1. aww, thanks! :) It worked, but there are two snags: first of all, they defrost really fast, so you have to take them out of the freezer right at the end and dump them into the batter; secondly, I've found that you can't leave them on top of the muffin batter because they get a grainy texture after being baked, so you just have to make sure to mix them into the batter.

  11. Do you think I could use dates instead of prunes?
    My dad's birthday is tomorrow so I'm trying to find some recipes that I could make without having to run to the store.

    1. I think you could try it, but you may have to puree them with a bit more water. You could also try apple puree or, if you dont mind a banana flavour, you could even use mashed banana instead!
