Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nutella 'Extender' and ideas

Lets face it, Nutella is comparable to the food of gods, it's delicious and amazing and might as well be a religion in itself.

Apart from one thing; The serving size.
Okay, really, who in the world is able to spread that tiny one tablespoon serving onto all their toast, or make it last for one whole apple? Who can't resist going back for more? Certainly not me! I'd need to double the portion size in order to have enough to eat with my apple... I did.
Not in the obvious way of just getting more Nutella. No no, I not only managed to keep the amount of Nutella used the same (preserving my precious Nutella supply), I only added 26 calories to my serving whilst doubling the portion!

Initial Serving of Nutella (1 tbsp)
Serving of Extended Nutella (2 tbsp)

Yes, you can now give me a hug. Seriously, send me a cyber hug , because if you like Nutella, even a tiny bit, this will probably make your whole day:

Nutella 'Extender' 
makes 2 tbsp 

1 tbsp Nutella
1 tbsp marshmallow fluff
1 tsp non-fat milk
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
*if you can get hold of it (I can't because the UK's a bit stupid) you could add a little hazelnut extract

Measure everything into a small bowl/teacup (its important to use leveled tbsps and tsps). Mix everything together and serve :) Any leftovers (pshht that's not likely) should be stored in the fridge (because of the milk), but should be served at room temperature as it's a little too stiff to spread when cold.

nutrition stats for 1 tbsp of extended Nutella: 62.9 kcal, 2.9g fat, 8.6g carbohydrates, 0.5g fiber, 6.9g sugar, 1g protein
nutrition stats for 1 tbsp of Nutella: 100 kcal, 5.5g fat, 11g carbohydrates, 0.5g fiber, 10.5g sugar, 1.5g protein

As you can see, my extended Nutella not only has less calories, fat and sugar, it has the same amount of fiber and only 1/2g less protein.

Serving Ideas
There are many ways to eat Nutella, my favorites are:

  • Core an apple but don't push all the way through it, leave a little bit covering the bottom. Fill the cored hole with Nutella. To eat, cut out segments of apple and dip into the Nutella centre :) 
  • Blob into a hot bowl of oatmeal and gently swirl through (no mixing! you can't taste it if it's all mixed in).The pockets of melty Nutella are awesome.
  • Dip strawberries into it
  • Spread onto a split, toasted English muffin
  • Eat it with a spoon 
  • Use it to fill bite sized pop-tarts


  1. Have you heard of Speculoos?? It's the best thing ever, I like it even more than's crazy good. I also have to say that I really like your blog! I'm 17 and just started mine last month. I'm working on creating a real layout, but I really really like yours - did you make it yourself??

    Check me out @:

    I have a whole post on Speculoos... so good.

    1. yeah I have, but unfortunately, the spread doesn't exist here in the UK, only the cookies (which are amaaazzziinngg). Thanks! yeah, I made my layout in photoshop, but I'm hoping to work on a new one this summer! Cool, I will :)
